Radic CLI

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radic-cli is a NodeJS module that can be embedded into other projects to handle command line input/output. It consists out of several other modules and brings them together, the way i want it. The main focus i have is user interaction like wizards and cli UIs.

So yeah, this is a highly opinionated library. However, it features a plugin like system to extend core functionality, or even extend/alter other plugins.

radic-cli features a stand-alone application next to the embeddable features. The stand alone application can be invoked by the command radic-cli and will give you an overview of possible commands.

Overview of main features

Bash PS1 and PS2 prompt

$ radic-cli ps1

Adds a custom ps1 and ps2 prompt to bash. Makes use of the liquidprompt library internally. It’s also possible to export the theme so you can modify it to suit your needs.

radic-cli custom ps1 prompt


An example of what can be created. The preview shows radic gitinit from my radic tool, which utilizes radic-cli.

radic gitinit preview

radic gitinit preview2


Fast and painless UI creation with using blessed in the background. It uses pre-defined theme’s, styles and widgets to quickly display content. Custom theme/style/widgets creation is supported and are able to inherit/extend from others.

Command line commands

Note: most of these commands are also embeddable into other projects #### version

radic-cli version             # Shows the version string from package.json
#> 1.3.15

# Show a part of the version string
# radic-cli version previous|current|next major|minor|patch
radic-cli version current major
#> 1

radic-cli version next major
#> 2


$ radic-cli config set my:breakfast "pizza"
$ radic-cli config get my:breakfast
> pizza

$ radic-cli config set my:dinner '{ "main-course": "apples", "desert": { "first": "ice", "then": "strawberry" }, "snacks": ['mars', 'twix'], "full-stomach": true }' --json
$ radic-cli config get my:dinner:main-course
> apples

$ radic-cli config get my:dinner:snacks:1
> twix

$ radic-cli config get my
    "breakfast": "pizza",
    "dinner": { 
        "main-course": "apples", 
        "desert": { 
            "first": "ice", 
            "then": "strawberry" 
        "snacks": ['mars', 'twix'],
        "full-stomach": true 

Embedding into projects

For a use-case example, check out radic or radic-restcms.

Or check out radic-cli examples for several different implementation examples.

Embedding the cli

This is an example directory/file structure, you can put your stuff wherever yo want.

// bin/myappcmd
process.title = 'myapp';
var myapp = require('../index.js');

// index.js
return module.exports = require('./lib');

// lib/index.js
var RadicCli = require('radic-cli');

var Cli = RadicCli.Cli;
var pkg = require('../package.json');

var myapp = {
    name: pkg.name,
    author: pkg.author,
    version: pkg.version,
    description: pkg.description

myapp.cli: Cli(myapp.name)
Tools and methods
var RadicCli = require('radic-cli'),
    Cli = RadicCli.Cli,
    Config = RadicCli.Config,
    utils = RadicCli.utils;
utils.ucfirst('working is a drag') //> Working is a drag


  • radic-cli: Robin Radic
  • async: ..
  • blessed: ..
  • celeri: ..
  • cli: ..
  • cli-color: ..
  • cli-table: ..
  • fs-extra: ..
  • inquirer: ..
  • moment: ..
  • nconf: ..
  • underscore: ..
. .. .